Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009

Dear Lord Above,

Bearer of love and communion, hear our prayer. Help us to find in each other, the grace to let our circle go. For, if we covet and keep, we diminish the freedon will that binds us in the beginning. Lord, keep our songs in the prevailing winds, so that loved ones wings can carry strong. We love and release-- to have our friends returned, such as you have loved and are returned to us.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 24, 2009


Take into your arms, this day, the bringer of life and order. Though her final battles were bitter, they were not fought alone. A forest of squires to aid thee against certain death--to toil against for the sake of our kingdom's glory.

Almighty God, you have taken our Earthly mother away from us--to reign in Heaven with you. Today, we rest our armor and lower our faces in respect. Our focuses fall away from the chains of this mortal coil and resolve in remembrance of Heaven's newest queen. No more shall disease run rampant through easy bones. No more will the pain of our small world delicately and persistently peck at your spirits. You have risen! You are risen to prepare our beds above. May your tired vessel return to the Earth--and your love live forever in our hearts and guide us through the remainder of our journey. Godspeed our return to you. May our paths be paved with victory, humility and accreditation to the one true God.

With fortitude we pray,


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 23, 2009

Dear Heavenly Father,

Flow within us a divine light. Provide us with the knowledge, judgement and guardianship to shield the weakend from the tyranny of oppressive forces. Guide our bodies, minds and spirits to stand in front of the injured... and to absorb the sickness and hostility of which they can longer manage. Lord, though your laws superceed those of laws of men, help us to seek humility and reverence... that your soverign guidance will keep governing fists in their gauntlets, and swords upon the altars of justice.
